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510 S. Farwell St., Eau Claire WI 54701 • 715.835.3734 Map to the Cathedral


New Year Resolutions: A Spiritual Reflection

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the year past—its challenges, its blessings—and looking ahead with hope and anticipation. The tradition of making New Year’s resolutions is one that can bring both motivation and a sense of renewal. But, as people of faith, let us take a moment to ask: What might God be calling us to in this coming year?

Rather than simply focusing on self-improvement or personal goals, let us approach our resolutions through a spiritual lens. Resolutions are not only about becoming better versions of ourselves but about aligning our lives more closely with God's will. Here are a few thoughts as we consider how our resolutions might deepen our faith and enrich our relationships with one another:

  1. Resolutions of Compassion
    One of the most Christlike resolutions we can make is to become more compassionate—to love and serve others as Jesus did. This might look like reaching out to a neighbor in need, offering forgiveness where there has been hurt, or simply being more present for those around us. Compassion isn't just an action; it's a way of living out the love that God has shown to us.

  2. Resolutions of Prayer
    Prayer is the heartbeat of our relationship with God. As we enter a new year, perhaps we might resolve to spend more time in prayer—whether it’s setting aside a few quiet moments each day or committing to a specific prayer practice. Prayer can ground us in the present, help us navigate the future, and open our hearts to God's will.

  3. Resolutions of Gratitude
    The practice of giving thanks transforms our perspective. Even in difficult times, there is always something to be thankful for. Perhaps this year, we might resolve to cultivate a spirit of gratitude, acknowledging the gifts we’ve been given and using them for the benefit of others.

  4. Resolutions of Faithfulness
    The year ahead offers countless opportunities to grow in our faith. Whether it's through regular worship, studying Scripture, or engaging in acts of service, each day is a chance to live out our calling as disciples of Christ. Faithfulness is not about perfection, but about consistency in our commitment to follow Jesus.

As we make our resolutions for the new year, let us remember that we are not alone in this journey. God walks with us every step of the way, offering grace when we fall short and joy when we succeed. May our resolutions be rooted in faith, sustained by love, and directed toward the good of all people.

Wishing you a blessed and transformative New Year.

Victoria Ibiyemi’s Return to Grace Edgewood

We are thankful to let you know that Victoria Ibiyemi has returned to Grace Edgewood Assisted Living in Altoona, where she is now in Room 31. She is eager to reconnect with her church family, and visitors are warmly welcomed!

If you are able to visit, I know Victoria would be blessed by your presence. A simple visit, a kind word, or a prayer together can be a powerful way to show God’s love and support during this time.

Please keep Victoria in your prayers as she settles in, and let us remember that, through the grace of God, we can lift one another up in spirit and in fellowship.

More details and her photo will be shared soon, but in the meantime, feel free to reach out to the church office if you’d like more information about visiting.