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510 S. Farwell St., Eau Claire WI 54701 • 715.835.3734 Map to the Cathedral


Excerpt from the first newsletter:

The Diocese of Eau Claire

Vol. 1 No. 1

Hudson, WI, June, 1929

"Last Supper" Panel


Herewith is a cut of the memorial panel which was unveiled on the Fifth Sunday after Easter, May 22, 1927. It is the gift of Mrs. Walter Fitch in memory of her mother, Mrs. Abigail Milliken Harper, who entered into Paradise July 2, 1904. The panel consists of a wood carving done by one of the Oberammergau Langs (the same who did the carving on the Rood Beam) who is credited with being one of the two best wood carvers in this country. The panel itself is set in a Gothic frame and illuminated by a concealed light from above. 

The carving is a reproduction of the painting known as the "Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian painter of the fifteenth century. It shows our Lord and the twelve apostles in the upper room in Jerusalem on Maunday Thursday night when Christ instituted the Sacrament of the Holy Communion. The particular incident portrayed occurred just as our Lord made the startling announcement: "Verily, verily I say unto you that one of you shall betray me." Immediately to the right of our Lord sits St. John, the Beloved Disciple, perplexed by this unexpected statement. St. Peter (third on the right) has jumped to his feet and is leaning back of Judas Iscariot reaching for St. John and urging him to ask the Master who the traitor may be. Judas shrinks forward on the table clutching his money bag. 

On the left of our Lord is St. James the Elder, leaning back with hands extended in astonishment. Behind him stands St. Thomas with his hands raised as though asking the question, "Lord, is it I?" And next to him is pleading his innocence of any treachery. Toward the left end of the table is a group of three more apostles with their heads together discussing the strange turn of events. The first of them is St. Matthew, speaking to the other apostles but extending his hands toward the Savior as though referrring to His recent remarks. Next is Thadeus, striking one hand into the other in token of surprise, and at the end of the table is Simon the Canaanite with his hands extended in dismay. 

The last three, at the right hand end of the table represent St. Andrew with his hands raised in amazement, while St. James the Younger reaches behind him toward St. Peter as though to restrain any hasty action. At the end of the table St. Bartholomew leans attentively forward to catch our Lord's reply to St. John's question as to the identity of the traitor. It is an exceptionally expressive piece of work, beautifully executed and placed in the wall of the Church near the pew which Mrs. Harper used to occupy in the old Church. 

Look for this as you walk into the Cathedral on the right hand side handing on the wall. 

Inline image

Members of Christ ChurchCathedral gathered to serve area guests at the Community Table on Saturday September 21. Although the rain kept numbers a little lower, we served pizza, fruit, and salad to about 65 people, including families with children. Desserts and breads were available for guests to take with them. The volunteers included Mark Christianson, Doug Faulkner, Linda Caillier, Liam Caraher, Diane Bilderback, and Patty Solfest. 

Christ Church Cathedral serves at the Community Table every other month on the third Saturday in two shifts (9:00-11:30 preparing the food, and 11:30-1:30 serving and cleaning up.) Having at least 4-6 people per shift makes helping easier. There is a supervisor on site to make sure things go smoothly and a local volunteer to keep track of checking in guests. 
The Community Table team would like to encourage you to consider joining us in serving our fellow community members. Our next day to serve is November 16th and you can sign up on the church website.

Greetings Region A members!

I wish to introduce myself as the Regional Missioner for our 19 churches. In this email I will remind you of a few items.
The first is that the position of Regional Missioner has been created in the hope it will assist  all of the clergy and lay leadership of our Dioceses of Wisconsin parishes to feel and know the Bishop’s Office is concerned about them.  With the increase in the number of churches Bishop Gunter is now responsible for, as much personal contact as we had previously will not be possible.  The Regional Missioners are the “first responders” or “first contact” for the parish leadership.

The Annual Convention is coming up on Oct. 4 - 5.  This will be the first Annual Convention for the Diocese of Wisconsin for over one hundred years!  The last pre-convention meeting is September 19.  A recording of the September 11 meeting is on the Diocesan website ( towards the bottom of the page.  We do have a full slate for the election of Mission Council members from Region A.  Those I know of are:  Lay member - Deb Lorenze of Christ Church Eau Claire, Clergy member - Fr. Phil Morgan of St. Barnabas Clear Lake and Mtr. Deborah Woolsey of St. Matthias Minocqua.
Fr. Mark Ricker will be installed as priest in charge of Christ Episcopal Church in Bayfield on Saturday, September 28 at 2:00 pm.  Clergy should vest with white stoles.  Join Bishop Matt and the folks at Christ Church in welcoming back Mark to Wisconsin and celebrating his new ministry.  Christ Church is located at 125 North 3rd Street, Bayfield, WI.
Bishop Matt will also be in the region at St. Alban’s Church in Superior with Fr. Steven Burns on Sunday, September 29.  Speaking of St. Alban’s Superior - Fr. Steven is requesting information, recommendations, and curriculum resources for a new Sunday School / Christian Ed program.  You may email him at:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have tentatively scheduled a Regional Clergy meeting on Zoom for Oct. 15 at 6:30 pm.  We will do these on a monthly basis.  The goal will be to meet in person once a quarter instead of on Zoom.  The link for the Zoom meeting is:  Regional Zoom Meeting.   The goal of these meetings is to share news, stay in touch, and have another opportunity to get to know one another.  Let me know of suggestions for any topics, times, or thoughts.  The day and time selected are simply to get us going.  We can change them to whatever works.
I am also including 4 photos from The Church of Our Savior Lugerville.  Last Tuesday, September 10, eighteen people joined Bishop Matt in remembering the ministry of Our Savior Lugerville during the past 86 years.  After celebrating a final service with Holy Eucharist in the church, the congregation witnessed the Declaration of Secularization by Bishop Matt.  Over the years amidst changing demographics Our Savior Lugerville ministered to children and adults faithfully and joyfully.  Well done to the saints of Lugerville.
Grace and peace,
