Dear Friends,
The early church came together across previously unimaginable social and political boundaries in the name of Jesus for mutual support, encouragement, and to grow in the knowledge and love of God.
We welcome you to attend our in person worship at 9:00 a.m. on Sundays. We sincerely hope that people will feel comfortable and safe returning to in-person worship. Even so, some will not feel safe or face a greater risk, and so we will provide a Zoom link and Facebook live stream to the in-person worship as a way of keeping our community together in worship.
This has been a long journey that is not quite at its end, but I am hopeful, along with the Vestry, that we will be able to travel this last stage together with a renewed sense of hope and purpose in our mission to share the love of God with all the world.
If you choose to continue to join us on Zoom (link below) or Facebook (
Click here to access the Sunday service bulletin.
Click here to join our Zoom live for any of our services
This Sunday!
Rite II with Eucharist service – 9:00 AM;
In person, Zoom and Facebook live.
Click here to join Sunday morning Zoom service
Holy Days – Eucharist as announced in the Weekly Update