IN THIS ISSUE • February 14, 2025
Happy Valentine's Day
Childcare Service February Prayer Shawl Volunteer at the Needful Things Pantry Saturday, Feb. 22, 2:30-5:30 pm Needful Things Pantry ~ January Report Winter Bible Class Community Table ~ February Table Talk Shrove Tuesday: March 4, 2025 Pancake Dinner Save the Date ~ Saturday, September 13th Painting Context! Exploring Art in Its Surroundings ~ Joe Maurer Sign up now to Host Coffee Hour ~ Join the Brew Crew Intercessions In-person Worship (or live stream at home) this Sunday at 9am Tracing Our Roots: Reflection Follow Us on Social Media Kwik Trip Cards Fundraiser VANCO Shrove Tuesday: March 4, 2025 Pancake DinnerShrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner Kick off your Lenten season with a fun and heartwarming family celebration! We’re serving up stacks of pancakes, sizzling sides, and smiles all around—perfect for kids, adults, and everyone in between. Whether you’re a long-time parishioner or a neighbor looking for great food and company, you’re invited to feast and fellowship with us! This year’s supper is extra special, as every bite helps fund the renovation of our beloved Memorial Lounge. This vibrant community space is home to youth programs, events, and gatherings that bring our church and the wider Eau Claire community together. Our planned upgrades will enhance accessibility, promote youth engagement, and provide a welcoming, multi-purpose hub for all. Prefer to plan ahead? Use our convenient QR code to buy tickets in advance or make a contribution if you can't join us. Tickets will also be available at the door. Come for the pancakes, stay for the sense of community—and leave knowing you’ve made a difference! We can’t wait to see you there!
Painting Context! Exploring Art in Its Surroundings ~ Joe Maurer
Sign up now to Host Coffee Hour ~ Join the Brew CrewThank you for all that signed up for the month of February! The sign-up sheet is now posted in the memorial lounge and in sign-up genius for hosting September coffee hours. To sign up through sign-up genius scroll to the bottom of this email, and click on the link. You can also sign up on the poster by the kitchen window when you’re at church this Sunday. If you’ve never hosted coffee hour, but you would like to get started, talk to Mary Gadwill and Becky Van Es. We will be happy to host with you your first time to give you instructions. Thank you to all for making coffee hours enjoyable for everyone! This is a time to connect with your church family following the service on Sunday. It's fun & easy! We want to keep it simple, coffee, juice, and breakfast items (donuts, donut holes, muffins, cookies, etc.) Please check your calendar and review the available slots below; click on the button to sign up. Help us keep coffee hour brewing! Intercessions• For those in need of healing, guidance, and comfort: Elliot, Deb, Dick, • Diocese of Wisconsin Cycle of Prayer: • February Birthdays:
In-person Worship (or live stream at home) this Sunday at 9am
There is a link embedded in the middle of the invitation. To use this link, you have to download the free "Zoom" app to your smartphone, tablet, or computer. If you have that app on your device, all you have to do is click the link on the email and you will automatically connect. (Be sure to allow the app to access your camera and microphone, if requested. If you don't want to use the app, or are using a device that can't download the app, you can go to the website for Zoom: On the upper right hand side of your screen, there will be a tab titled "Join a Meeting." Click on that tab and you will be prompted to enter a "Meeting ID or Personal Link Name." The "Meeting ID" can be found toward the bottom of the invitation. I've highlighted it in red to be easier to find. In the case of this meeting, the ID is: 924 746 7996. Just enter those digits without a space or dashes and click enter. From there, you'll be prompted to allow access to your camera/microphone. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 924 746 7996 One tap mobile Dial by your location Tracing Our Roots: ReflectionTracing Our Roots: Reflection As we enter the month of February, a time traditionally set aside for reflection, renewal, and remembrance, I invite you to join me on a journey—one that traces the roots of our faith, both in the history of our church and in our personal lives. In the Episcopal Church, we are rooted in a deep tradition that stretches back to the early Church, to the apostles, to the faithful men and women who have come before us. Yet, our individual journeys of faith are also grounded in the everyday moments of grace, challenge, and transformation that shape us as Christians today. February, with its often quieter rhythms after the busyness of the holiday season, offers us an opportunity to pause, reflect, and reconnect with the foundation of our belief. As we reflect on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, let us also reflect on the ways that the church—the Body of Christ—has continued to move, breathe, and live across the centuries, carrying the Good News into new contexts, new languages, and new challenges. When we trace our roots as a community of faith, we do not only look back at the distant past. We also look to the ways that those roots are alive in us today. Each of us carries the history of our church in the way we live our faith. We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us: the early Christians who forged a path in times of persecution; the reformers who sought to bring the Church back to its core teachings; the saints and martyrs who bore witness to Christ with their lives. In February, we also observe the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord (Candlemas), a moment in the Church calendar when we celebrate the recognition of Christ by Simeon and Anna, two figures rooted deeply in the faith of Israel. They were waiting for the fulfillment of God’s promise, and when they saw the infant Jesus, they knew that the long-awaited Savior had arrived. This feast reminds us of the deep roots of our faith in the Hebrew scriptures, showing us how God’s promises stretch back through time and continue to unfold in our lives. As we reflect on our roots, let us also look to the future. Our tradition calls us not just to celebrate our past, but to live in hope for the future—working together to extend Christ’s love and justice to the world. The question for each of us this month is: How will we live out the legacy of faith passed down to us? What will we do with the roots we have been given? My prayer for all of us this February is that we might find strength and purpose in the rich heritage of our faith, and that we may also look forward with hope and courage to the journey ahead. Let us continue to trace our roots—both backward and forward—so that we may grow in the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. ![]() Christ Church Episcopal Cathedral The Episcopal Diocese of Eau Claire To ensure that our messages arrive in your inbox, please add This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to your contacts. If you prefer not to receive news from Christ Church Cathedral in the future, click here to unsubscribe. |
Rite II with Eucharist service – 9:00 AM;
In person, Zoom and Facebook live.
Click here to join Sunday morning Zoom service
Holy Days – Eucharist as announced in the Weekly Update