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Events and Information

510 S. Farwell St., Eau Claire WI 54701 • 715.835.3734 Map to the Cathedral



Chippewa Valley Street Ministry Journal
 February 19, 2025

The daylight is sticking around longer but the cold temperatures didn't let up over the last few weeks. Several days were wickedly cold: subzero temps all day with wind gusts that made the temperatures even more dangerous. We were out on our usual days knowing that the people we serve often need us more during the cold days and nights more than any other time: their safety is of the utmost importance to us and we provide what we can to increase the safety of our friends. We were grateful for the amount of blankets, hoodies, sweatpants, hand warmers, and boots that we were able to provide. We gave out gloves, hats, coats, and many sets of thermal underwear, as well. It is an unfortunate fact that there are still people that are living in the elements.
Almost a full moon on a cold, clear afternoon. 
The cold brings significant risk to the unhoused community. 
One young woman shared that she and a few other people stay in a vehicle that is not running but it keeps the wind out. It is unclear to us why she and her friends do not stay at the shelter. While we gently suggest alternatives, it is ultimately their decision and we can only hope for their safety. She asked for a blanket, a hoodie, and sweatpants to layer over what she was wearing. 
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The sunshine and clear skies are deceiving: it was COLD and windy when we arrived to serve our brothers and sisters. 
The risk of frostbite or hypothermia is a real threat at these temperatures, even in short periods.
We've been making regular visits to the local jail to visit with our brothers and sisters who are being detained. Some people don't have anyone to talk to or support them when they're on the street other than our volunteers. If our friends are detained, they lose that contact, as well, so we make efforts to visit when we can. If a jail is privatized, as is this county's, it can be costly to receive certain services for a person who has low-to-no income going in to serve their time. Medical care has a cost, phone service and email service have fees attached. There is an ordering service (Canteen) for other items such as underclothing, food not provided by the kitchen and other items, but this can be expensive. We have provided funding for some of these necessities but this is a practice that is costly to CVSM over time. Few people have had family members willing or able to assist with their needs.
Karen and Ella trying to protect their faces from the cold air.
We were unable to identify many of the people we served as their faces were covered from the frigid temps. 
We hope that you haven't been affected but you likely know someone who has been sick recently; it seems there has been a lot of influenza and Covid going around. The people we serve have not been excluded, many have been miserable with coughs and fevers. One woman said she didn't feel well and asked for two blankets in addition to the blanket she was carrying. Once we provided them, she went across the street and laid on the cold sidewalk. We've talked with her since then and she feels better, but it was a stark reminder that the unhoused don't have beds or couches or recliners to rest in while they recover from illnesses, injuries or medical procedures.
Scott is talking with a guest and distributing requested items.
Everyone who visits us expresses heartfelt gratitude for the items, food, and beverages that they receive. While we're out there, we couldn't provide those items without you; the gratitude we hear must be shared with you. From the people we serve and benefit from the many donations you have provided, THANK YOU. You do not realize how many hands you've kept warm with the hand warmers that were provided, or the feet that were not frostbitten because of the thick, warm socks that were distributed. Every item makes a difference. Because of your generosity, we can purchase items that may not have been donated.  It is vital to our service and to the well-being of the people we serve to keep the donations coming in.  
Our friends and volunteers are looking forward to the forecast and the suggestion of warmer and safer weather.  Please keep our community's unhoused and the street ministry in your thoughts. If you can help out and donate, thank you. Our needs list has been updated and attached for your review.
Thank you,
CVSM volunteers

 A Note of Thanks

I am deeply grateful to my wonderful Cathedral family during this time of "inconvenience" for me. The visits to the hospital and Dove South meant so much to me. Your smiles and words of encouragement made all the difference, helping me stay strong through physical therapy and my recovery. When times are tough, there’s truly no better "pick-me-up" than the love and support I receive from Christ Church Cathedral.

Thank You!

Mary Gadwill

Dear Friends,

The early church came together across previously unimaginable social and political boundaries in the name of Jesus for mutual support, encouragement, and to grow in the knowledge and love of God.

We welcome you to attend our in person worship at 9:00 a.m. on Sundays. We sincerely hope that people will feel comfortable and safe returning to in-person worship. Even so, some will not feel safe or face a greater risk, and so we will provide a Zoom link and Facebook live stream to the in-person worship as a way of keeping our community together in worship.

This has been a long journey that is not quite at its end, but I am hopeful, along with the Vestry, that we will be able to travel this last stage together with a renewed sense of hope and purpose in our mission to share the love of God with all the world.


If you choose to continue to join us on Zoom (link below) or Facebook (

Click here to access the Sunday service bulletin.

Click here to join our Zoom live for any of our services


Adopting a Medical Center: The Value of Charitable Gift Annuities

If you haven't heard Mike Bundy's life story, invite him out for coffee sometime. You're in for a treat. 

Mike spent his childhood in Eau Claire and later graduated from Shattuck School (now Shattuck- St. Mary's) in Faribault, Minn. He attended Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, where he was a Classics major studying Latin and Greek language and culture. He also was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, the nation's oldest academic honor society. 

He spent a year in France as a Fulbright scholar and was later stationed in Germany with the U.S. Army during the Korean War, which again afforded him opportunities to return to France on occasion. 

After being invited back to Kenyon to teach in its Classics Department for a year, Mike migrated to New York City, getting a master's of arts degree from Columbia University and teaching Latin and Greek at Trinity School, a college preparatory school. He then spent 18 years as head of the Classics Department at The Chapin School, a prestigious girls' school in Manhattan's upper east side. 

And now, he's back in Eau Claire. 

"It was a hard decision to leave New York after I retired since I'd been there for 35 years," says Mike. "But I go back to New York every year, take in the opera and ballet, and see all my friends." In Eau Claire, he's rekindled friendships with people he grew up with, too. 

In the last few years, Mike sold his childhood home, a large, four-story house built in the 1920s. He had already named his beneficiaries in his will, but realized that the money was available now.

"Since I don't have kids, I've adopted the Metropolitan Opera, New York City Ballet, Shattuck- St. Mary's, the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, Luther Midelfort (twice) and others," says Mike. "I had the capital, and I wasn't using it, so I thought, 'Why not give it away now?'"

Mike "adopted" these organizations using charitable gift annotates, which guarantee his investment and provided an income as long as Mike is living. 

And how does Luther Midelfort - Mayo Health System fit on the same list as the opera and ballet? "These are all institutions that are close to me, that I've gotten to know and respect," Mike says. "They all represent milestones in my life, and I want to recognize them." 

Mike's connection to Luther Midelfort is probably the one that goes farthest back. "The Midelfort Clinic has always been a big part of my life," he says. "The doctors who founded the Clinic were all friends of our family as I was growing up. If I ever had a sore throat, one of them would stop by the house to examine, medicate and dispense TLC. They were like family."

These were the days before the clinic and hospital were one institution, but Mike's family also had connection to Luther Hospital. "My dad and grandfather were both on the board of trustees of the hospital, and my mother was a volunteer for years and years over there," he says. 

And although Mike's parents both received care at Luther Midelfort over the years, Mike has been fortunate. "Luckily, I've never spent a day in the hospital," he says. "But I know that Luther Midelfort is greatly respected nationwide, and I feel very lucky to be here when I do need the care that they can offer. Then, of course, their connection with Mayo Clinic cements the whole thing." 

Mike's decision to support Luther Midelfort with a charitable gift annuity was an easy one for him. "All of these organizations were in my will as part of my estate when I died," he said. "With the annuities, they're still getting the funds I'd designated, it's guaranteed, and I get an income from it as well. As a practical matter, it's worked out very well."

Join us for the Rite II Holy Eucharist Service with Reverend Dustin Berg, celebrant who will preach, at 9 a.m. at the Cathedral, or watch this service livestream via Zoom (instructions & link below) or on our Facebook page (to find us on Facebook type in @cathedralec).

There is a link embedded in the middle of the invitation. To use this link, you have to download the free "Zoom" app to your smartphone, tablet, or computer. If you have that app on your device, all you have to do is click the link on the email and you will automatically connect. (Be sure to allow the app to access your camera and microphone, if requested.

If you don't want to use the app, or are using a device that can't download the app, you can go to the website for Zoom: On the upper right hand side of your screen, there will be a tab titled "Join a Meeting." Click on that tab and you will be prompted to enter a "Meeting ID or Personal Link Name." The "Meeting ID" can be found toward the bottom of the invitation. I've highlighted it in red to be easier to find. In the case of this meeting, the ID is: 924 746 7996. Just enter those digits without a space or dashes and click enter. From there, you'll be prompted to allow access to your camera/microphone.

If you don't have access to a smartphone/tablet/computer with a camera and microphone and want to join the meeting as a phone call, there is a number listed just above the Meeting ID that you can call. That will connect you to the meeting with audio only. Those numbers are in red in the invitation. For this meeting, the best number is: 1 312 626 6799

Join Zoom Meeting
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Meeting ID: 924 746 7996
Password: 814057

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Meeting ID: 924 746 7996
Password: 814057

Find your local number: click here

Click here to access the Sunday service bulletin.

Click here to join our Zoom live for any of our services.

We would love for you to join us this Sunday, at 9 a.m., for the Easter V Rite II Holy Eucharist service with Rev. Lenny Anderson, who will preach, in-person, via Zoom or Facebook live.

There is a link embedded in the middle of the invitation. To use this link, you have to download the free "Zoom" app to your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Click HERE to download the free app, just choose the correct version for the device you have. If you already have the app on your device, all you have to do is click the link below to automatically connect. (Be sure to allow the app to access your camera and microphone, if requested.)

If you don't want to use the app, or are using a device that can't download the app, you can go to the website: Zoom: or click HERE. Enter a "Meeting ID or Personal Link Name." The "Meeting ID" is: 924 746 7996. Just enter those digits without a space or dashes and click enter. From there, you'll be prompted to allow access to your camera/microphone.

If you don't have access to a smartphone/tablet/computer with a camera and microphone and want to join the meeting as a phone call, there is a number listed just above the Meeting ID that you can call. That will connect you to the meeting with audio only. Those numbers are in red in the invitation. For this meeting, the best number is: 1 312 626 6799

Click HERE to join the service via Zoom

Meeting ID: 924 746 7996
Password: 814057

Click Here to access the Sunday bulletin.

Access 1.14.2024 'The Rule of Life: an ordered way to follow Jesus'