The Dean's Forum 9:15am in the Memorial Lounge
June 9th - Open Forum
June 16th - Open Forum
You can still order a paver and have it placed in the courtyard this spring!! Due to the
weather, we were unable to get the pavers placed last fall….but there is GOOD NEWS!!
You can still order a paver(s) now and see it in place in just a couple of months.
The deadline to order is April 1.
What is Christ Church Cathedral’s Legacy?
IT’S YOU!!!!
You can support our Haiti Mission Project by purchasing Singing Rooster Coffee, Fair Trade coffee grown in Haiti.
We now serve Singing Rooster at the coffee hour and you can enjoy the same great coffee at home. It is now available for purchase at the Cathedral. It is available in medium roast, medium dark roast, French (dark) roast, and decaf. All are available ground or as whole bean. The cost is $10.00 for a 12 ounce bag. All proceeds from sales go to support our mission work in Haiti.
Rite II with Eucharist service – 9:00 AM;
In person, Zoom and Facebook live.
Click here to join Sunday morning Zoom service
Holy Days – Eucharist as announced in the Weekly Update