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510 S. Farwell St., Eau Claire WI 54701 • 715.835.3734 Map to the Cathedral


Christ Church Cathedral seeks a new Priest-in-Charge to be our spiritual leader.  
Follow the link to our parish profile to learn more about us.

Parish Profile

How to Apply or Learn More:

If you discern that God may be calling you to Christ Church Cathedral, please apply via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Include your resume and address a cover letter to our search committee.

Application Deadline: December 31, 2024

Thank you for considering Christ Church Cathedral!


If you would like to sing with the choir, please bring choir dress and arrive at 10 am. 

If you aren't able to make it in person, 
please join the livestream via Zoom (instructions & link below) or on our Facebook page (to find us on Facebook type in @cathedralec).

To Join ordination via Zoom click here

Meeting ID: 924 746 7996
Password: 814057

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Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 924 746 7996
Password: 814057
Find your local number: click here

Click here to access the ordination bulletin.

Thank you again for hosting the April 5th, 2024 blood drive. We collected 25 units of blood on an original goal of 20 units and when divided into 3 separate blood components we have the potential to help up to 75 patients in need!

The staff said it was a very good day and were extremely grateful for you and your volunteers. How do you feel the day went? Is there anything we can do better or differently next time? 

Please share the attached results flier with your members and the community. It’s wonderful to see 8 first time donors! We hope everyone had a wonderful experience and we will see them again next time!

  • We do not have a future blood program scheduled, would it be possible to partner again this summer and fall/winter timeframe? We received a hefty increase to our collection goals over the summer and are looking for sponsors to add additional blood drive opportunities in the community.
  • Summer is a Critical Need timeframe due to donors taking time off, traveling, vacationing and upcoming holidays. This leads to a decrease in donor activity and a drop in available blood products for patients. Yet, the need for blood products is constant.
  • We have some excellent donor incentives this summer to help promote upcoming programs and keep donors participating!

Please let me know if it’s at all possible to add a summer blood drive this July and again this fall or wintertime frame. Winter is also a Critical Need period with holiday and fewer blood programs; blood drives we can add in November help patients through December and/or programs in December help blood products remain readily available through the New Year.