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510 S. Farwell St., Eau Claire WI 54701 • 715.835.3734 Map to the Cathedral


Jesus said, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal" (Matthew 6:19-20). For illustrative purposes, we could say that there is both a "Bank on Earth" and a "Bank in Heaven." We can make deposits in either bank. The "Bank on Earth" accepts and keeps our money. Our money will stay in this bank until we withdraw it or it's taken away at death. The "Bank in Heaven" receives our good deeds and works done in faith. With the "Bank in Heaven," we are investing for eternity. Through faith, God empowers us to store up treasures in heaven.


Sunday School: children will begin service with their family at 9:00 a.m. in the Cathedral.  After the Gospel the children will process to their own age appropriate worship and rejoin their families at the end of the peace.

The Dean's Forum 9:15am in the Memorial Lounge
June 9th - Open Forum
June 16th - Open Forum

Confirmation Class 4:00 pm in the Memorial Lounge

You can still order a paver and have it placed in the courtyard this spring!! Due to the
weather, we were 
unable to get the pavers placed last fall….but there is GOOD NEWS!!
You can still order a paver(s) now 
and see it in place in just a couple of months.
The deadline to order is April 1.

What is Christ Church Cathedral’s Legacy?

IT’S YOU!!!!

  • If you haven’t already purchased a paver, please consider one now! Buy one for yourself or your family. We NEED you because without you, our story is not complete!

  • If you have already purchased one, please consider adding another for an
    anniversary, a new 
    grandchild, in remembrance of a loved one.
    The list is endless.

  • We also have an “adopt a paver” program. Consider remembering someone
    who is no longer with us, but was a very special part of the Cathedral family,
    i.e. Les Crandall, Betty Onstead….

  • The courtyard looks amazing, let’s add meaning by filling the legacy walk with pavers!

  • 4X8 1@$150.00ea/2@$125.00ea/3@$, the more you buy,
    the cheaper they get! ...
    or...12X12 granite $400.00...or...16X16 granite $600.00

  • If you need a form, please contact the office and we will get one to you ASAP or click the link below. 715.834.3734

    Click here to access the paver order form