A Note of Thanks
I am deeply grateful to my wonderful Cathedral family during this time of "inconvenience" for me. The visits to the hospital and Dove South meant so much to me. Your smiles and words of encouragement made all the difference, helping me stay strong through physical therapy and my recovery. When times are tough, there’s truly no better "pick-me-up" than the love and support I receive from Christ Church Cathedral.
Thank You!
Mary Gadwill
Hi Everyone! I’m planning some murals for summer 2025 and researching others. If you’re like me, you've been enjoying Banksy’s mural works which often comment on context they are in. It got me thinking of another artist you’ve probably never heard of. One favorite contextual painting is by Swedish Contemporary Painter Mamma Andersson. Andersson is known for her use of the unconventional substrate of plywood - she often incorporates the lines and forms of plywood variations into her works. The image above is her forty-foot-long mural for the A.P. Moller House in Copenhagen. Notice the childlike cut-out shapes that modulate value but not color. The way the painting interacts with a real physical wooden door is through the overt reference to wood grain in the image. The sunset stands out by incorporating variations of yellow and pink, and the wood grain patterns reflect the context, rescaled beautifully into the actual image. The image playfully grows out of the context!
Dear Parish Family,
We want to make sure you’re aware of a very important meeting taking place this coming
Monday, February 10th, at 6:00 PM. The meeting will address a proposed development of low-income housing in the parking lot directly across from Farwell. This proposal could have significant consequences for both our community and the Unitarian Universalist congregation down the street.
Why does this matter?
Our neighbors at the Unitarian Church rely on this parking lot for their congregation’s needs. If the development proceeds, they would lose all access to the lot, which is critical for their parish. This also affects us—many of our tenants, parishioners, and guests rely on this lot for parking during events like weddings, funerals, and concerts, including those held by Chorale NouvEAU.
We are committed to standing with the Unitarian Universalist congregation in advocating for a fair solution that benefits everyone. We want to ensure that everyone’s voices are heard, and your involvement is key.
How can you get involved?
We will be meeting at 5:00 PM at the Unitarian Church, 421 S Farwell St, to organize and discuss our next steps. At 5:45 PM, we will walk together to the meeting to make sure our concerns are clearly represented. The more of us that show up, the stronger our message will be.
This is an opportunity for us to stand united, ensure we’re all heard, and help protect both our parish’s and the Unitarian Universalist congregation’s needs.
We hope to see you there on Monday evening!
Thank you for your support, and let’s make sure our voices are heard.
Rite II with Eucharist service – 9:00 AM;
In person, Zoom and Facebook live.
Click here to join Sunday morning Zoom service
Holy Days – Eucharist as announced in the Weekly Update