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January Reflection

510 S. Farwell St., Eau Claire WI 54701 • 715.835.3734 Map to the Cathedral

 January Reflection

As we enter the new year, we are invited to reflect on the gifts of the past year and look forward with hope to the journey ahead. January marks the beginning of the season of Epiphany, a time when we focus on the light of Christ that shines into our lives and the world. It is a season of revelation, of God’s presence being made known to us in new and powerful ways.

In this season of light, we are called to live as reflections of that light. Whether in worship, study, or service, we are reminded that our faith is not only something we hold but something we share. We are called to live it out, to make Christ known through our actions and relationships.

This January, as we gather together for Bible class, worship, and fellowship, may we all be open to the ways that God is calling us to grow in our faith. Take time this month to reflect on God’s guidance in your life and to listen for the ways He might be inviting you into deeper relationship with Him and with others.

As we continue to journey through the season of Epiphany, may we be strengthened by the knowledge that Christ’s light has come into the world, and it shines brightly, even in the darkest times.

May God bless you and your loved ones in the coming year.