Urgent Help Needed: Only a Few Days Left to Make a Difference!
We need your help NOW! Christ Church Cathedral is partnering with Family Promise/Beacon House to provide a holiday meal for 7 adults and 17 children (ages ranging from 2.5 months to 19 years old) on Tuesday, December 10 and Friday, December 13. With less than a week to go, we are counting on your generosity to make this happen!
Here’s How You Can Help:
We urgently need food donations and volunteers to provide a meal for 7 adults and 17 children.
Food Donations Needed:
Corn (enough to serve 24 people)
Desserts (enough for 24, no nuts due to allergies)
Mashed Potatoes (enough to serve 24)
Fruit Salad (enough to serve 24)
Please Note: We cannot have any nuts in the food due to a severe allergy.
Volunteers Needed:
Prepare & Deliver the meal by 5:00 p.m. on either December 10 or December 13.
Stay and Serve the meal, share fellowship, and brighten the holidays for these families.
We are desperately seeking people to volunteer and donate food. Without your help, we will not be able to provide the meals these families need.
If you feel called to do more, consider donating to support overnight staffing or volunteering to stay overnight.
Time is running out! Please sign up today to volunteer or donate, and help us make this holiday season truly special for these families.
Sign up now through the Sign Up Genius link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C49AAAF2BA1FBC43-53294000-providing
We are counting on YOU to make a difference—thank you for your kindness and generosity!