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Eau Claire Overnight Warming Center

510 S. Farwell St., Eau Claire WI 54701 • 715.835.3734 Map to the Cathedral

Last month the Vestry approved support of the Eau Claire Warming Center being housed in the basement of the 502 S. Farwell building. Ken Van Es and Mike Carlson represent Christ Church Cathedral on this committee.

This committee was formed due to the overflow of homeless being turned away from the Sojourner House and having no warm place to stay. The committee has raised funds to support CCC in heating and utilities for the building during the winter months.

The basement will be used as a warming shelter during the overnight hours and will be staffed by qualified, trained volunteers during open hours (8 pm - 8 am). You can find more information about this program at this web site: You will also find a link for volunteers on this website. The center began operations on Sunday, December 15th. They have served 3-6 people per night open. Please sign up to volunteer for an evening. It cannot open without the necessary volunteers.